Maximum Diversification. Maximum Return.
RARE AIR is proud to offer the World’s first, aircraft “buy-to-let” investment opportunity*!
This program appeals to sophisticated investors looking to diversify their portfolios with a moveable asset class.
We have identified several in-demand aircraft types which fit our return on investment criteria. We match these to the investor’s available budget. These are then acquired through RARE AIR who immediately offers the new owner a 3-year lease.
The Investor has zero other costs and makes solid, reliable returns on the asset.
It’s super simple!
*RARE AIR is not an accredited financial advisor or investment broker. RARE AIR offers the sale and lease of aircraft only. For financial advice, we recommend talking to our partner institutions for impartial third party advice, and ownership structuring.

How does the program work?
You engage RARE AIR
We work together with our accredited partners to offer our clients tailor-made solutions for their aviation requirements.
Our Team Members have flown, owned, leased, operated and managed our own aircraft; consulted and advised airlines, and managed considerable asset portfolios. We have also had the added entrepreneurial experience of starting and successfully running our own airlines and companies.
2. We match the aircraft to the investment
RARE AIR canvasses our network of operators before selecting aircraft options. As RARE AIR will eventually take on the lease, it’s critical we select aircraft that have a wide market appeal and are mechanically sound. We cannot afford expensive surprises resulting in downtime.
The aircraft lease begins as soon as you take ownership. Lease payments are paid quarterly.
All expenses from the moment of Title change are born by RARE AIR.
3. You make money
The initial lease period is for three years. RARE AIR covers all the maintenance, insurance and crew costs during the contract.
After this initial contract period, there will be the option to
renew the lease,
sell the asset, or
operate the aircraft yourself.
For the duration of the lease, the aircraft is fully insured, maintained and operated by RARE AIR.